Before following these steps, please get in touch with our team here to enquire about integrating Facebook Analytics with your app. Depending on your plan, there may be a setup fee for this.
A Facebook developer account is also required to set up a Facebook app. To register as a developer go to:
Step 1 - Create your Facebook app
- Login to facebook with your developer account
- Go to
- Click My Apps from the top menu then click Create App
- Select Other for the use case and None for the app type
- Enter the Display Name (i.e. ‘Your company or app name’)
- Enter an email for the App contact email
- Click Create App
- Copy the App ID from the top of the dashboard and save this
- From Settings > Advanced copy the Client token and send this as well as the App ID to
Step 2 - Invite VidApp to your app
- Go to App Roles > Roles
- Click Add Developers and enter the FB ID provided by VidApp
Step 3 - Set up App Events platforms
- Go to Settings > Basic and click + Add platform at the bottom of the page
- Click iOS
- Enter the Bundle ID, iPhone, iPad Store ID and Shared Secret provided by VidApp
- Click + Add platform again
- Click Android, then Google Play
- Enter the Key Hash, Package Name and Class Name provided by VidApp
Step 4 - Update the apps
Once the above steps have been completed our team will submit an app update to both Apple & Google for approval.