Including a link in the description of your app's item or collection is a useful way to provide additional information external to your app. You could externally direct your users to things like assessments, Spotify playlists, or community pages. You can also modify existing descriptions that have synced from your web platform, allowing you to have different descriptions across your web and app platforms. Here's how:
Log into the Builder
Click Build
Locate and expand the relevant tab which contains the item or category you wish to add to link to
Click the item or category and in right-sided tab bar write the text or upload an image where you want the link to be inserted to in the Description field
Highlight the text or select the uploaded image and click CTRL + K (Windows) or CMD + K (Mac)
Insert your link into the Insert Link popup window
Click Save and Publish to preview to test your new app changes. Then, once your changes are ready to go live to all users click Publish to live apps