Using the VidApp Builder, you can add a group of content directly from your web-platform onto your app. This is an awesome way to add content as it not only involves less content management for you, but it also provides a more intuitive web-to-app experience for your users. Here's how:
Log into the Builder
Click Build My App
On the app tab you wish to add the group to, click the Add Group button
In the right-sided tab bar that appears locate the field that reads Add (your web platform) content and type in the name of your web-platform category or collection you'd like to add. Then, select the correct one from the dropdown menu and click the Add button
The new group will then be added to your tab. Simply drag and drop to move this wherever you want
Click Save and Publish to preview to test your new app changes. Then, once your changes are ready to go live to all users click Publish to live apps