Log into Google Play Console with your developer account details
Go to Google Cloud Console
Click Create a new Google Cloud Project and create a new project (you can use your app name)
Go to Google Play Developer API page and click Enable
Click on the menu/hamburger icon to the top left
Click the More Products drop-down menu and hover over IAM & Admin
Click Service Accounts in the left-side menu
Click Create Service Account
Enter VidApp as the Service account name and Service account ID
Click Select a role and type "Service Account Admin"
Select the Service Account Admin role
Click DONE
Click the three vertical dots to the right of your newly created service account (in the actions column) and select Manage Keys
Click ADD KEY then Create new key
Select JSON, and then click Create. A file (JSON file) will then automatically be downloaded onto your computer
Email this file to us at onboarding@vidapp.com with your app name mentioned in the email's subject. Please do not change the name of the file